看板 japanavgirls
SOD剛出道的新人女優葵ななせ 在X上發文 https://x.com/nanaseaoiii/status/1755212633509339418 翻成英文 Actually, yesterday... I had the opportunity to co-star with Takashi Yoshimura, whom I've been a huge fan of for a long time, and I got his autograph and took a photo together The filming was so much fun, it felt like a dream come true Thank you to the producer who provided the opportunity for us to co-star And thank you, Takashi-san!! 表示昨天和吉村卓一起拍攝了作品 並表示自己一直是吉大叔的粉絲 所以也要了簽名 https://i.imgur.com/CVVeasf.jpg
拍攝過程很有趣,感覺像是夢想成真 也感謝製作人給她這個和吉大叔共演的機會 吉大叔的回應 https://x.com/yoshimura_taku/status/1755411077746270548 翻成英文 "Thank you as well for your hard work Please play with this old man again in the future Looking forward to the release of your work! Everyone, I look forward to working with youhttps://i.imgur.com/9TOhhGN.jpg
跟吉大叔拜個碼頭嗎 https://x.com/yoshimura_taku/status/1755178062990455227 Today has also ended smoothly Starting from tomorrow, the adult site will have a 6-day holiday It seems like there are fewer productions in the industry itself this month Well, I have other jobs too, so the busyness remains unchanged This year is a leap year, which occurs once every four years! 吉大叔也表示AV產業也要放六天假了 也感覺這個月業界拍的片量比較少 但他也有其他工作,所以忙碌值不變 https://x.com/yoshimura_taku/status/1754672680010396072 Good morning. Even though it’s been a while since we’ve been on set, the director isn’t her e today Apparently overslept… Despite being on set all day, nothing has started yet. My lower body is all swol len, though… #That’s life #We’re only human 前幾天也發文說導演睡過頭 讓他在片場枯等 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/japanavgirls/M.1707367636.A.745.html
FannWong: 不愧是拯救拉尼亞凱亞超星系團的男人 02/08 13:05
n1m5w8tsarp: 吉村卓在女優中的風評超好 02/08 13:09
cl3bp6: 私底下吉川卓很紳士的 02/08 13:21
johnwu: 全日本最爽的男人 02/08 13:22
MichaelRedd: 上輩子拯救宇宙的男人 02/08 13:55
Chricey: 長時間坐著工作,關節痛越來越嚴重,該怎麼辦?推薦UC2 02/08 17:53
jazzcai: 我也好想拯救淫河 02/08 14:19
nomo1616: 好嫩...反正都可以爽爽吃了,紳士也是應該的 02/08 14:51
wc4eva: 大雄真羨慕.jpg 02/08 17:35
rtoday: 什麼時後銀河系還有災難?通知我一下我要去表現 02/08 17:53
Chricey: 我阿嬤說吃豬腳補關節,豬腳吃起來 02/11 01:09
etbr1121: 身材很棒!! 02/08 19:18
skywalkerjk: 他也是苦過來的,很早期尺度更大的時候,各種奇葩劇 02/08 20:03
skywalkerjk: 情,他也是很敬業去演,而且還不是第一男主 02/08 20:03
TripleC: 可能上輩子接了有去無回的任務吧 02/11 01:09
Kroner: 哇勒,UC2 這個東西真的是太讚了 02/11 01:09
bread220: 他舔女優的表情真的夠變態 02/13 13:24
sunnyyoung: 大叔的字滿好看的 02/15 23:54