看板 SuperJunior
(1) 鵝啊 下次見.. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GUlgHWra4AAlnXH.jpg
https://x.com/siwonchoi/status/1822093212942770614 (2) 雖然短暫 但真的很愉快. It was short, but it was really fun. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GUl18jybEAA3wEx.jpg
https://x.com/siwonchoi/status/1822117218685227124 (3) 蘇丹內戰已經過去15個月了。在紛爭、強制移居、人道主義救助活動制裁混合在一起的可 怕狀況下,生活在蘇丹北達爾富爾地區難民營的數十萬名災民甚至遭遇了飢荒。飢荒導致 包括兒童在內的許多人死亡,或因營養不良、病毒感染等而健康惡化。 與20年前的達佛 危機不同,衝突引發的飢餓危機正在動搖包括首都卡土穆在內的整個蘇丹。 現在應該立即為需要幫助的兒童和家人進行人道救援活動。蘇丹的孩子們無法再繼續等 待下去了。這些兒童需要社會的保護和援助。最重要的是和平與結束戰爭。 After more than 15 months of war in Sudan, a catastrophic combination of conflict, displacement, and humanitarian access constraints has resulted in famine in a camp sheltering hundreds of thousands of displaced people in Sudan ’s North Darfur Region. A determination of famine means that people, including children, have already started dying of hunger and related conditions including malnutrition and infection. Unlike the Darfur crisis of twenty years ago, this conflict-fuelled hunger crisis spans the whole country including the capital Khartoum, and Jazirah State, previously Sudan’s breadbasket. UNICEF again calls on all the parties to provide the humanitarian system with unimpeded and safe access to children and families in need. Sudan’s children cannot wait. They need protection, basic services and most of all, a ceasefire and peace. @unicef @unicef_kr @unicefnextgen @uincef.eap https://i.imgur.com/V6Zk055.jpeg
https://www.instagram.com/p/C-eahoUJyYH/ 限時動態更新 https://i.imgur.com/0gaZ3ij.jpeg
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