看板 Soft_Job
公司名稱,統編(中華民國以外註冊可免填):個人 公司地址(填寫詳細至號):個人 職缺: (多職缺可自行增加填寫) 職缺能力經歷要求: 員工是否需自備工具? (是/否) :否 薪資專案:5500 薪資(保證最低年薪,必填項目): ___ 個月 年終獎金計算方式:底薪計算/全薪計算 ****以下工時與加班費必填,不填刪文水桶**** 工時: 每日工作時間: EX:10:00AM~6:00AM (八小時) 中午休息(12:00~1:00) 每周工作時間: 8*5=40 雇主無明訂之工作時間,如Remote等派遣性質工作 請徵才者需附上平時最大工時,不可超過40小時 超過需給付加班費,否則不得PO文 (需符合國訂勞動基準法) 勞工正常工作時間,每日不得超過八小時,每週不得超過四十小時。 前項正常工作時間,雇主經工會同意,如事業單位無工會者,經勞資會議 同意後,得將其二週內二日之正常工作時數,分配於其他工作日。其分配 於其他工作日之時數,每日不得超過二小時。但每週工作總時數不得超過 四十小時。 (補休不算符合勞動基準法,需有加班費,否則仍算是違法) (須符合國訂勞動基準法) **無須加班仍須填寫加班費制度** **可直接填寫加班費比照勞基法,低於勞基法禁止發文** 加班費制度:無 如雇主有使勞工每日工作時間超過8小時者,或單週超過40小時者,應依法給付加班 費,其標準為:(勞動基準法第24條) (1)延長工作時間在2小時以內者,按平日每小時工資額加給3分之1以上。 (2)再延長工作時間在2小時以內者,按平日每小時工資額加給3分之2以上。 補休使用需員工同意,經錄取員工檢舉無加班費,一律轉發勞動部進行勞動檢查。 工作環境與該職缺團隊介紹:無 工作福利:無 公司分紅與獎金:無 公司介紹:個人 人資或徵才聯絡方式:黃小姐 朋友正在準備一份面試case study 報告,需要徵詢一位熟悉Salesforce 應用跟配置,並 有能力協助我回答以下問題的人。 我的報告時間是下週四,所以希望時間上可以從這週 日到下週三前這之間可以抽空與我線上討論。 要求: Salesforce 諮詢 報告內容建議 酬薪: 5500元(依實際情況可議或提供報價) 聯絡資訊: [email protected] 或 line: chelseawhang Case study: Exercise 1 : ꀊ‧ We are using Salesforce as our lead to cash process which means that we use it in multiple ways like CRM for storing our leads and contacts, sales planni ng for sales, creating opportunities as media campaigns, etc. Our team has ide ntified several areas where they need to customize their Salesforce applicatio n to better meet their needs. They have asked you to help them with the follow ing: 1. Currently, the lead conversion to an account & contact is being done manual ly. We would like to automate this process based on the rules that if campaign briefing has been received then the lead should automatically be converted to the account and contact. ꀊ2. Customize the Opportunity object to track media campaigns progress and add custom fields to capture the campaign’s actual media spend and the potential spend. ꀊꀊ3. To create a forecast based on opportunities and sales 4. Develop a custom Visualforce page to display a dashboard of the to track th e current media campaigns KPIS, including charts and tables that show the camp aign’s target and actual amounts, as well as the number of other KPIs like cl icks, impressions, etc. for each account. 5. Automate the process of sending automated invoice via emails to the respons ible brand managers of the campaign after they the campaign is completed. The email should be personalized with the brand managers name, opportunity/campaig n name, amount and other relevant information. Questions : 1. How would you approach this project, and what steps would you take to ensur e its success?ꀊꀊ2. What Salesforce customization tools and techniques would you use to impleme nt these changes? ꀊ3. Can you walk me through how you would test and deploy these customizations in a live Salesforce environment? ꀊExercise 2 : We want to onboarded CRMA and Einstein to our salesforce instance but we are s till not convinced with the advantages that it would bring. We would like you to research and prepare the following : 1. What are some prerequisites to connect CRM Analytics to salesforce? ꀊꀊꀊ2. What are the best use cases of Einstein and CRMA? ꀊ3. What kind of data models could we build with Einstein ? ꀊꀊ4. How is it different than Tableau ? ꀊꀊ5. How can we ensure data security and privacy with CRM analytics? 抱歉若有違反板規請告知,立即自刪。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Soft_Job/M.1693037475.A.A67.html
Firstshadow: 這算是徵才嗎 08/26 17:17
xinyi101: 友人正準備該公司項目希望可相關諮詢,若不妥將自刪 08/26 17:24
lchcoding: 弱弱的問一下,這樣即使面進去以後,會有用嗎? 08/26 17:34
prag222: 你這是徵臨時工吧?有能力自己先問問看chatGPT? 08/26 17:37
neo5277: XDXDX推樓上 08/26 22:33
Kroner: 關節痛按摩有效嗎? 08/26 22:33
NDark: 應該算parttime版業務 08/27 08:44
NDark: 或是soho 08/27 08:44
NDark: 還有HomeTeach 08/27 08:45
Csongs: 5500? 08/27 10:54
Kroner: UC2神招啊,吃下去就對了 08/27 10:54
jobintan: 感覺上像是在發案,樓主要發案的話,CodeJob版更適合。 08/28 09:13
sw12: 不是直接找天心資訊比較快嗎?.... 08/28 10:46
secrectlife: 友人不就你嗎 08/29 15:44
maxjoiny: 這算發案吧 還是我誤會 08/30 07:14
Chricey: 剛開始吃UC2,期待 08/30 07:14