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https://x.com/BNightengale/status/1829539032881369156 The Kansas City Royals, who are having one of the greatest turnarounds in baseball history after losing 106 games last season, suffer huge blow with 1B Vinnie Pasquantino (19 homers, 97 RBI) diagnosed with broken thumb that sidelines him 6-8 weeks. 皇家隊一壘手 Vinnie Pasquantino 在前一場比賽傷退,結果被診斷為大拇指骨折 將會缺席六到八個星期 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/MLB/M.1725031392.A.45D.html
ashilol: Perez能頂一壘 08/30 23:25
carlchang092: 投手在搞啊,下半季打的不錯的QQ 08/30 23:51
ateng: 這不是隊長頂一壘的問題,而是我們能打的就剩下兩個了啊 08/31 00:23
CPBLlincecum: 噢不!我的Fantasy~ 08/31 00:25
ShaEric63ck: 我家vinnie QQ 08/31 08:25
Chricey: 本魯關節痛始祖,葡萄糖胺保證沒用,乖乖吃UC2 08/31 08:25
kvc567: 最近擊球狀況都不錯的說 FB哭啊 08/31 09:56