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https://x.com/jeffpassan/status/1829240442619310128 The Los Angeles Angels are calling up left-hander Sam Aldegheri, sources tell ES PN. Aldegheri, 22, will be the first pitcher born and raised in Italy to play in the major leagues -- and he is expected to go Friday. The Angels acquired him f rom Philadelphia at the trade deadline. 天使隊宣佈將義大利籍左投Sam Aldegheri拉上大聯盟 Aldegheri也成為首位成功登上大聯盟的土生土長義大利籍投手 至於第一位義大利籍+土生土長的大聯盟打者 是前兄弟洋炮里迪Alex Liddi https://i.imgur.com/wAFumDg.jpeg
Aldegheri在15歲時決定,自己一定要成為大聯盟選手 https://reurl.cc/MjyyVW Sam Aldegheri fell in love with baseball by accident. As a kid in San Martino Bu on Albergo — a small town in Verona, Italy — his only connection to Major Leag ue Baseball was forged through YouTube videos of Clayton Kershaw. 出生在義大利維羅納 One of the few baseball fields in Verona was five minutes from his house. His ol der brother was a pitcher. 他家附近有棒球場,而他的哥哥也是打棒球的(投手) 也在義大利聯賽打球 The boys’ parents were too busy with work to take them to soccer, so this was i t. 爸媽工作太忙,沒空帶他們去看足球 所以他們就打棒球去了 Aldegheri discovered he threw better with his left hand. His brother, a righty, taught him how to pitch. Some Italian coaches offered cursory advice. He discove red MLB through internet highlight reels. 所以就在哥哥以及一些義大利教練的指導下開始投球 也發現自已左手投球比較好 然後在YT上發現MLB的存在 And, when he was 15, a scout from the Kansas City Royals noticed Aldegheri at a tournament in Spain. “You might be a prospect,” the scout told him. 然後在15歲的時候他去西班牙比賽時 MLB皇家隊的球探注意到他 並跟他說他有機會成為職棒新秀 Aldegheri had to convince his mother it wasn’t a joke. That’s when he knew. “I need to be a big leaguer,” Aldegheri said. “I need to sign for a professio nal team.” 這讓他決定自己一定要成為大聯盟選手 他必須要和職業球簽約 The Phillies employ a scout, Claudio Scerrato, whose job is to roam all of Europ e. “It’s not always that productive, but he knows the players,” said Sal Agos tinelli, the Phillies’ longtime international scouting boss. Scerrato, who is b ased in Italy, called Agostinelli in 2019 with a tip about Aldegheri. Agostinell i was planning to attend a European tournament, but this sealed it. 之後他也被費城人駐歐球探Claudio Scerrato注意到 2019年Scerrato打電話給國際球探主管Sal Agostinell 要他來看看這位義大利投手 當時Agostinell原本要去看另一場歐洲賽事 就取消去看Sam Aldegheri 了 The Phillies paid him a $210,000 bonus to sign in 2019. 最終費城人就用21萬鎂簽約金,簽下了這位17歲義大利小將 The dream wasn’t as bright then. The pandemic prevented him from coming to Amer ica in 2020 and delayed his arrival in 2021. By August 2021, Aldegheri had been diagnosed with a sprained ulnar collateral ligament in his left elbow. He rested it, then reinjured it in 2022 只不過2020遇到疫情,讓他在2021才正式抵達美國開始職業生涯 但結果第一年就受傷,然後2022傷又復發 然後2024登上大聯盟啦 — 名列天使農場第八名 Fastball: 50 Curveball: 50 Slider: 50 Changeup: 50 Control: 50 Overall: 45 https://i.imgur.com/TBuTUCd.jpeg
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ACUNAJR: 推我猴 08/30 10:46
n7555235: 今天看到新聞猴猴又在開箱新投手了 08/30 10:50
paselalps: 誕生? 08/30 11:44
angelawen: 第一位打者不是皇家的Pasquantino喔 08/30 15:06
zxc906383: 里迪2011上大聯盟的 08/30 15:11
Chricey: 哈囉!關節痛真的超痛欸,我之前也遇過類似情況,後來去看醫生吃推薦UC2,效果不錯喔! 08/30 15:11
jjlooney: 土生土長的話真的少很多 很多都是義大利後裔 08/30 16:10
jjlooney: 有在歐洲配球探的球隊似乎也不多 08/30 16:11
mygoing: 荷蘭.義大利也算是國際棒球賽的常客 08/30 20:05
saidon: Pasquantino是美國出生的當然不算 08/30 22:25
Kroner: 不動對關節最好,拎北都躺著 08/30 22:25
zouelephant: 如果不是在天使 可能沒機會 09/01 10:13
iAsshole: Verona就是羅密歐與茱麗葉的故事的發生地。 09/01 13:47
jjlooney: https://i.imgur.com/kq2NQc6.jpeg 拉得有點早 不過如 09/01 22:20
jjlooney: 果是在其他球隊 他還是會有一些機會 09/01 22:20
Chricey: UC2是啥東西?求解釋啦! 09/01 22:20