看板 MLB
※ [本文轉錄自 Baseball 看板 #1bp5Uifj ] 作者: zxc906383 (無無) 看板: Baseball 標題: [情報] 皇家隊公布新球場預覽圖 & 地點 時間: Wed Feb 14 14:03:22 2024 皇家隊在今天公布新球場計畫最新的內容 https://reurl.cc/138Dz9 The Kansas City Royals will build the team’s new baseball stadium in the Crossr oads district, team owners announced Tuesday. 新球場位置是選在堪薩斯的Crossroads https://i.imgur.com/t8rVBHr.jpg
The Royals’ plans include a baseball stadium, team offices, a hotel, a resident ial and entertainment venue, improvements to Grand Boulevard and a bridge connec ting the stadium to the planned $200 million South Loop Link project. 皇家規劃除了球場外,還要蓋飯店/娛樂場館等東西 The 18-acre development spans from Grand Boulevard east to Locust Street, and Tr uman Road south to 17th Street. The stadium will have the capacity for an estima ted 34,000 people, Royals officials said. 整個開發案占地18英畝、球場容量34000人 The Royals said the entire development will require a $2 billion investment, whi ch the team says is the largest public-private partnership in Jackson County. Th e Royals say they will invest $1 billion of private funds into the project. 皇家表示耗資約需20億美金,它們計畫會出10億鎂 The Crossroads location was not on the team’s shortlist of ballpark locations l ast fall. At that time, the Royals were choosing between a new stadium in downto wn Kansas City’s East Village or in North Kansas City. The team decided to revi sit a possible Crossroads site in November. Crossroads原先不在去年公布的決選二地內 The Royals' proposed new downtown baseball stadium would occupy the space where the abandoned Kansas City Star printing press is. 皇家新球場位置目前是堪薩斯城星報廢棄的印刷廠 球隊提供的預覽圖 https://i.imgur.com/i5m003T.jpg
-- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Baseball/M.1707890604.A.A6D.html ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ※ 轉錄者: zxc906383 ( 臺灣), 02/14/2024 14:03:37
Aniceplay: 不放上皇冠了嗎 02/14 15:42
iverson0968: 旁邊是酋長隊的主場嗎 02/14 18:18
carlchang092: 酋長的球場就在現在皇家隊考夫曼球場隔壁啊,搬走怎 02/14 18:28
carlchang092: 麼可能隔壁還是 02/14 18:28
ateng: T-Mobile center算是多功能的體育場吧,可以打籃球也有溜冰 02/14 19:01
Chricey: 吃過關節保健品,都沒什麼效果,有推薦的牌子嗎? 02/15 00:31
ateng: 場等等的 02/14 19:01
carstenlh: 才三萬四千人而已喔,還以為美國大聯盟球場都要四五萬 02/14 22:34
carstenlh: 人 02/14 22:34
carlchang092: 光芒準備新蓋的容量預計也才30000啊,有些球場就不 02/14 22:57
Kroner: 想問一下有沒有關節痛的運動禁忌?怕動得更嚴重… 02/15 00:32
carlchang092: 可能需要這麼大容量不如拿去做出特色,或是多一點包 02/14 22:57
carlchang092: 廂球團更好賺 02/14 22:57
ChrisDavis: 球場現在都越蓋越小了 02/14 23:55
carlchang092: 準確來說不是越蓋越小,是把沒有利潤或是觀賽體驗不 02/15 00:31
Kroner: 關節痛睡覺就能治了,吃什麼UC2 02/15 01:41
carlchang092: 佳的座位空間轉換成其他舒適看球而且更好賺的包廂或 02/15 00:31
carlchang092: 是特色區域,火腿ES CON FIELD也是設計三萬個座位而 02/15 00:32
carlchang092: 已,內野看台大部分都設計三層,但三壘側靠近左外野 02/15 00:32
carlchang092: 的看他就只設計兩層但不是沒有空間塞更多人。NFL最 02/15 00:32
Chricey: 我有在用UC2,感覺效果還不錯欸! 02/21 03:20
carlchang092: 新最貴的SoFi Stadium也不是座位最大的球場,但他並 02/15 00:32
carlchang092: 沒有比其他球場小,其他隊目前已經計畫要蓋的新球場 02/15 00:32
carlchang092: 座位數也都差不多是六萬左右 02/15 00:32
ChrisDavis: NFL的場館跟棒球不太一樣吧 棒球新場館的確是都比以前 02/15 01:41
Chricey: 本魯關節痛始祖,葡萄糖胺保證沒用,乖乖吃UC2 02/15 01:41
ChrisDavis: 還要少了 02/15 01:42
carlchang092: NFL跟棒球座位數都是在變少但球場並不是變小,提供 02/15 09:02
carlchang092: 更好的觀賽體驗讓整體獲利更高是趨勢 02/15 09:02
duo131: 旁邊公園要直接在高速公路上加建蠻酷的 02/21 03:20
Chricey: 關節痛按摩有效嗎? 02/21 03:20