看板 MLB
※ [本文轉錄自 Baseball 看板 #1bgTffoL ] 作者: zxc906383 (無無) 看板: Baseball 標題: [情報] 綠帽視察沙加緬度、鹽湖城,尋找球場 時間: Fri Jan 19 10:11:51 2024 https://reurl.cc/97RNVa The Oakland Athletics are making site visits this week as they try to figure out where they will play once their Oakland Coliseum lease is up after the 2024 MLB season. 運動家隊近期跑去視察多個球場 要找出在2024年後,他們該去哪裡打球 Members of the A’s executive team, including owner John Fisher and president Da ve Kaval, toured Sutter Health Park on Thursday in Sacramento, California, a per son with knowledge of the trip told the Review-Journal. The park is the home of the Sacramento River Cats, the Triple-A affiliate of the San Francisco Giants. 老闆John Fisher和球團總裁Dave Kaval 在本週四去了一趟沙加緬度的Sutter Health Park 這是巨人隊3A沙加緬度河貓的主場(容量10624) https://i.imgur.com/sjY1irK.jpg
The A’s will continue their due diligence later this week, the source said. The y’re scheduled to visit Smith’s Ballpark in Salt Lake City, home of the Los An geles Angels’ Triple-A affiliate, the Salt Lake Bees. 之後他們也要去看鹽湖城的Smith’s Ballpark 這是天使隊3A鹽湖城蜜蜂的主場(容量14511) https://i.imgur.com/oGc3DX1.jpg
Other potential temporary sites for the A’s include the Coliseum, the Aviators ’ Las Vegas Ballpark, the Giants’ Oracle Park and the Reno Aces’ Greater Neva da Field. All options are still on the table, according to the source. 其他選擇還有 巨人隊甲骨文球場 https://i.imgur.com/UcInSnj.jpg
自家3A拉斯維加斯飛行者的Las Vegas Ballpark(容量10000) https://i.imgur.com/DWJYYf4.png
響尾蛇3A雷諾王牌的Greater Nevada Field(容量9013) https://i.imgur.com/dJ7lEvq.jpg
-- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Baseball/M.1705630313.A.C95.html ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ※ 轉錄者: zxc906383 ( 臺灣), 01/19/2024 10:15:24
DanielHudson: 每個小聯盟球場都比現在的Coliseum漂亮 01/19 10:51
Sechslee: 飛行者那個球場就很好了 01/19 11:22
Aminoacid: SAC跟Vegas夏天都很熱啊 01/19 12:05
bravo: 台北巨蛋 01/19 12:24
sam9595: 直接選Vegas就好了吧? 當地一些宣傳可以先開始 01/19 14:46
Chricey: UC2對膝蓋特別有用嗎?有人能證實嗎? 01/19 22:48
mygoing: 只有我覺得美國3A球場都比台灣任何球場美嗎? 01/19 21:06
zsxdaqwe: vegas夏天爆熱捏 01/19 21:53
aibakoji: Vegas的問題是太熱了阿 01/19 22:18
Langerhans: 奧克蘭的氣候好像偏涼 轉去LV室外球場戰績再跌一成 01/19 22:48
Kroner: 樓上UC2當糖吃,天天走拿飛 01/23 02:33
sam9595: 不是 客隊也一樣熱呀 戰績應該沒有大關係 01/20 02:33
cobras638: 每個都很棒 01/20 03:07
pie399: 鹽湖城那個山景太美了吧 01/21 11:13
clkdtm32: 奧克蘭是不是治安太差 01/23 02:33
Chricey: 關節痛就老人病 01/23 02:33