看板 MLB
※ [本文轉錄自 Baseball 看板 #1bbr-l7U ] 作者: zxc906383 (無無) 看板: Baseball 標題: [情報] 綠帽阻擋新職業球隊去自家主場打一場比 時間: Fri Jan 5 09:47:25 2024 前情提要一下 https://reurl.cc/V4d76n 在綠帽確定要離開奧克蘭後 Paul Freedman、Bryan Carmel就募集了200萬美金 在當地成立一支新的職棒隊伍-The Oakland Ballers(B's) https://i.imgur.com/e7YY1XB.jpg
預計將加盟讀聯先鋒聯盟,成為該獨聯第11隊 並僱用前水兵教頭Don Wakamatsu擔任球團棒球事務部副總裁 前紅雀外野手Micah Franklin擔任教頭 根據內文,Bryan Carmel是搞電影的、Paul Freedman是企業家 然後Carmel將擔任球團經驗長、Freedman擔任執行長 然後最近又發生了一件事 https://reurl.cc/RWrb6n The Oakland Athletics have blocked a move by Oakland's new professional baseball team the Oakland Ballers (aka the B's) from playing a June 29 game at the Oakla nd Coliseum. B's原本計畫要在今年6/29 將一場例行賽搬去綠帽主場打球,但被綠帽介入擋掉了 The B's released a statement Thursday saying they signed a lease agreement and p aid a deposit to play at the Major League Baseball stadium, which team officials said they planned to announce Thursday. 他們租約都已經簽了、押金都已經付了 Instead, the team issued a release saying the Oakland A's -- who will still play home games at the Coliseum this season, even after announcing a planned move to Las Vegas -- decided to enforce a clause in their stadium agreement preventing other professional teams from playing at the Coliseum. 這時綠帽跳出來動用自己租約內的條款 他們可以擋掉任何其他職業隊伍使用這球場 We began negotiations to play at the Coliseum in July and by December we had sig ned our lease and paid our deposit. A few days after Christmas, we were informed that the A's would be enforcing a clause in their contract with the stadium tha t prevents other professional baseball teams from playing at the Coliseum," Free dman said. B's這邊表示他們從去年12月以前就開始和球場方談 租約也簽了,但在聖誕節過後被告知綠帽動用條款擋掉 A's communications staff didn't return emailed requests for comment Thursday mor ning 綠帽沒回覆這問題 The B's will launch their inaugural season May 22, playing in the independent Pi oneer League as the league's first team on the West Coast. Most of the competiti on plays in midwestern states like Montana, Idaho, Colorado, and Utah. Oakland B's將在5/22開打他們的第一個球季 The B's will play 48 home games in a 96-game schedule at Laney College, where th e stadium on campus will be renovated to hold about 3,000 fans. 共計進行48場主場比賽(例行賽一隊打96場) 主場是使用Laney College的球場 球場也將進行翻新,將作擴充到3000人 Freedman and co-founder Bryan Carmel raised $2 million in funding from nearly 50 investors, They plan on using crowdfunding to give fans the chance to own part of the team. And they promise never to leave Oakland. 他們也將開放群眾募款,讓球迷可以成為球隊的一分子 先鋒聯盟也要在沙加緬度再擴編一隊了(第12隊) https://i.imgur.com/R8tehU4.jpg
然後分區要重劃的樣子,之前只有北區/南區 之後要多個Pacific West https://i.imgur.com/W6MiJIj.jpg
他們宣傳片都做好了QQ 影片 https://x.com/oaklandballers/status/1742914221770494356 Today, we were suppose to announce our @PBL1939 game at the Coliseum on June 29t h. Our lease was signed, deposit paid & the below promo video ready to go. Unfortunately we've been informed that the A’s won’t let us play. We won't give up & are working to find an alternative https://i.imgur.com/Uo94tbU.jpg
出戰北科羅拉多貓頭鷹 https://i.imgur.com/Sovz2An.jpg
-- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Baseball/M.1704419247.A.1DE.html ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ※ 轉錄者: zxc906383 ( 臺灣), 01/05/2024 09:48:19 ※ 編輯: zxc906383 ( 臺灣), 01/05/2024 09:49:36 ※ 編輯: zxc906383 ( 臺灣), 01/05/2024 09:51:39
gn00324893: 綠帽在球場租約到期前本來就有權拒絕啊,場地方擅 01/06 00:54
gn00324893: 自接案乾他們什麼事 01/06 00:54
cobras638: 這是第一次嗎? 01/06 01:21
cobras638: 在球場租約到期前本來就有權拒絕 01/06 01:21
sam9595: 開演唱會什麼的就算了 誰會在賽季期間給別的球隊打== 01/06 01:51
Chricey: 哇勒,UC2 這個東西真的是太讚了 01/06 01:51
iAsshole: 敢取名Ballers,你最好很有錢。 01/09 18:34