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https://reurl.cc/Ov9dpA Two fans were injured during Friday night's White Sox game as a result of gunsho ts, the Chicago Police Department and the team announced 今天白襪主場發生槍擊案,有兩位女生受傷 One woman, 42, sustained a gunshot wound to the leg and was transported to the U niversity of Chicago Medical Center. She is in fair condition, according to the statement. 一位42歲女子,腿中槍 送醫後狀況穩定 The other woman, 26, was grazed by a bullet in the abdomen. She refused medical attention. 另一位26歲女生腹部被子彈擦傷,但拒絕就醫 According to the White Sox' statement, it is unclear whether or not the gunshots came from inside or outside the ballpark. Area One detectives and the Chicago P olice Department are investigating the situation. 仍不確定場內還場外開的槍 White Sox security confirmed the incident was not the result of an altercation. No active threat was believed to be occurring during the game. 白襪隊保全確認這起事件並非爭吵所致 Shortly after Friday night's game, the White Sox announced the cancelation of th e slated "I Love 90s Tour" concert that was supposed to happen subsequent to the game. The concert was supposed to feature Vanilla Ice, Rob Base and Tone Loc. 但白襪原訂賽後演唱會也取消了 The concert was canceled due to "technical difficulties." 理由是寫技術問題 白襪今年事真多 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/MLB/M.1693035188.A.AB3.html
jarrodqq896: 芝加哥南區 不是很意外 08/26 16:10
pttdolby: 機器戰警出動 08/26 16:21
JcHsu: 米國日常 08/26 16:26
hdotistyle: 自由美利堅 08/26 16:37
saiulbb: 應該是場外吧 進出美國球場不是都要安檢嗎? 08/26 16:50
Chricey: 5樓關節跟X一樣 08/26 16:50
prostitute: 拒絕就醫是 有什麼小秘密? 還是純粹醫療費太貴 08/26 16:55
a2156700: 大腿一槍 08/26 17:47
ShaEric63ck: 芝加哥... 08/26 18:09
sampsonlu919: 芝南 不意外 幸好沒送命|不過跟這消息有關的八卦 08/26 19:36
Kroner: 我有在用UC2,感覺效果還不錯欸! 08/26 19:36
sampsonlu919: 是 白襪考慮遷到田納西 08/26 19:36
sampsonlu919: 跟芝南的治安應該也脫不了關係 08/26 19:37
fka11tom: 幾年前海盜球場外的槍擊案一次死了5個人,警方一開始還 08/26 19:38
fka11tom: 認為兇手是從停車場行兇的 08/26 19:38
Kroner: UC2是啥東西?求解釋啦! 08/26 19:38
arthur9292: 怕爆 08/26 20:11
abc12812: 白襪球場蠻不錯的 可惜當地治安太爛 08/26 20:15
b99202071: 日常 08/26 20:28
DorkKnight: 機器戰警的話應該是老虎吧XD 08/26 20:49
Chricey: 5樓關節跟X一樣 08/26 20:49
cheesesauce: rrrrrrr 08/27 01:49
mmonkeyboyy: 那是jack reacher 吧? 08/27 09:44
roywow: 現在進球場不是都帶不進去嗎 連大包包都要放在外面置物櫃 08/27 10:52
whhw: 怕 08/27 11:16
Chricey: 求推薦靠譜的復健診所,小弟關節治好再來跪謝! 08/27 11:16
saidon: 除了包包尺寸大小有限制 有些球場還只讓你帶透明包包入場 08/27 12:25
clkdtm32: 不過說真的 芝加哥比舊金山好多了 08/28 05:16
percy90723: 芝加哥南區就是這樣~晚上都不太敢去那附近== 08/28 08:13