看板 Baseball
Shohei Ohtani was asked if he felt nervous at all ahead of the postseason. Didn ’t wait for Will Ireton to translate. “No.” Said he had mixed feelings watching the postseason in years past and not being a ble to take part. Mentioned watching the 2020 World Series as part of it. https://x.com/FabianArdaya/status/1842332732577210638 今天道奇開NLDS賽前記者會 https://i.imgur.com/YGSarCV.jpeg
記者問大谷在在季後賽開打前會不會覺得緊張,他還沒等Will Ireton翻譯就回答NO 說他前幾年對只能看而無法參加季後賽有種複雜的情緒,還提到了收看2020年的世界大賽就 是其中一部分 --- “Are you nervous at all going into your first postseason?” “Nope.” No translation needed. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GZFGtrpXkAAP-Ja.jpg
https://x.com/Alden_Gonzalez/status/1842331478207938809 --- 當被問及為何不會覺得緊張 大谷使用日文說在季後賽的舞台上打球是他童年的夢想,他對此的興奮感超過了其他的情緒 When asked why he isn’t nervous, Ohtani (in Japanese) described playing on a st age like this as a “childhood dream” and that his excitement for it outweighs anything else https://x.com/ByJackHarris/status/1842332703762587980 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Baseball/M.1728084265.A.37F.html
Axwell: https://i.imgur.com/Dzy4rC7.jpeg 10/05 07:27
※ 編輯: polanco ( 臺灣), 10/05/2024 07:29:34
hipnos: 季後賽處男 10/05 07:30
daisybubble: 都丟過WBC冠軍戰 LDS應該還好 要到WS才會緊張10/05 07:32
peter86511: 笑死:RRR窩好興奮R10/05 07:33
※ 編輯: polanco ( 臺灣), 10/05/2024 07:39:24
jokepeace: WBC 9局領先一分上場救援比較緊張 10/05 07:42
Chricey: UC2對膝蓋特別有用嗎?有人能證實嗎? 10/05 07:42
cklovework: 國聯最強打者沒必要緊張,但隊友.. 10/05 08:02
yftsai: 人緊張的時候就會不自主的搶答 10/05 08:06
ericinttu: 挖苦挖苦 10/05 08:16
kexfj: 急著否認就是心裡有鬼 10/05 08:38
Chricey: 關節痛有人有有效的復健方法嗎? 10/05 08:38
basala5417: 哇庫哇庫 10/05 09:10
tnpaul: 跟同儕討論動畫科科笑,哪裡緊張 10/05 09:33
phix: 轉大人了 10/05 10:11
www22550: 真正的強者到了越緊張的場合才會發揮實力 10/05 10:37
Chricey: 我也有過關節痛的經驗,真的超痛苦的啦!推薦去看醫生,早點處理比較不會拖延變嚴重。 10/05 10:37
www22550: 我覺得大谷的心理素質很強大 10/05 10:37
ultratimes: 季後賽不會有弱投,我覺得會涼掉 10/05 11:16