看板 Baseball
※ 引述《charlie01 ()》之銘言: : https://x.com/mlbonfox/status/1841684592098476043?s=46 : 幾萬人的現場氣勢驚人。 : 加州新世仇,兩邊都充滿了明星,兩邊都比前一回加入更多大將, : 這回會帶來一場史詩的NLDS嗎? 好奇為啥有這熱度以及教士主場準備準備大螢幕標語 剛好看到Dodgers nation貼文再回去看 懶人包: 第一天勇士vs教士的比賽,有一位"身上有躲人相關衣物的人"出現在右外野 跟據以下幾則X中的留言 疑似在比賽進行中有噓聲或是垃圾話與教士球迷有口角 然後該區教士有球迷正面的喊beat LA蓋過去, 之後該區就鼓譟一陣子 當下別區也不明白為啥突然出現beat LA Eric Hosmer(前教士成員Hosmer,最末有板上舊聞) 不知道哪邊聽這件事在X貼文說: 教士隊的球迷,老實說:我們還在喊「擊敗洛杉磯」的口號嗎? Igor@nm____hbu: 球迷回覆Hosmer說打贏ATL再擊敗LAD,跟著拿下NLDS都是往WS的必經之路 Eric Hosmer tag Igor回文: 所以這還存在他們腦中? 於是今天橫掃勇士之後大螢幕順勢出現beat LA 以及滿場球迷揮舞著FOR the FAITHFUL黃色方巾高喊beat LA 順勢炒熱一番 同時今天就有球迷反串表演 https://x.com/JomboyMedia/status/1841672988971630741 貼文時間線: ※※※ X - Dodgers Nation 注意到Eric Hosmer跟球迷對槓,在這場之前貼文: 上午1:20 · 2024年10月3日 Eric Hosmer wants Padres fans to stop "Beat LA chants" ahead of a potential NLDS matchup vs the Dodgers: "Padres fans, did we not graduate the Beat LA chants?" "Sooooooo are they living rent free?" https://x.com/DodgersNation/status/1841528579407946047 ※※※ 往回一天始末: Eric Hosmer@TheRealHos305 上午9:46 · 2024年10月2日 Padre fans honest question did we not graduate the #BeatLA chants https://x.com/TheRealHos305/status/1841293641630818418 球迷回覆: Igor@nm____hbu Well, the thing is….. we always need to beat LA. Just the situation. We beat ATL? Now we need to beat LA. Want to win the division? We need to beat LA. Want to make it to the WS? Now we need to beat LA. Just how it is https://x.com/nm____hbu/status/1841294186860937316 該則貼文下面有人留言提到第一戰外野狀況跟回覆: FatBottomGirlBakes@FBGBakes: To be clear, they are chanting BEAT LA in right field because a moronic dodgers fan is out there stirring the pot. Imagine paying postseason prices to a SD vs ATL game just to show up in LA gear. Embarrassing as hell. Jenevieve with a J@Jenevevil: My least fave take is people telling other people how to fan. There was an idiot in a dodgers jersey asking for attention and he got it. I like your content now but you honestly have no business telling Padre fans ANYTHING after you played like shit and fleeced the team ※※※ Hosmer 向球迷Igor 回覆 Eric Hosmer@TheRealHos3051 上午9:50 · 2024年10月2日 Sooooooo are they living rent free https://x.com/TheRealHos305/status/1841294554504233046 Igor@nm____hbu They’re just a good team. That year after year spends one billion dollars to put a good product on the field. So we need to beat them in order to prove ourselves. They pay the rent with their payroll. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>分隔線 Eric Hosmer Tsna舊聞 [新聞] MLB》Hosmer宣布退休 教士、紅襪繼續付8.2億薪資 https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Baseball/M.1708620299.A.771.html 今日Merrill採訪提到 Its good baseball all around both teams. There is no much more fun than this. @MLB官推 The energy is unmatched at Petco Park and Jackson Merrill is loving it https://x.com/MLB/status/1841692346024448400 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Baseball/M.1727946677.A.27A.html ※ 編輯: Yjizz ( 臺灣), 10/03/2024 17:18:52
angel902037: 脫衣服時,還蠻好笑的XDD 10/03 17:15
zxc906383: 大螢幕Baet LA很久了吧 10/03 17:15
zxc906383: https://reurl.cc/dyll3q 10/03 17:17
Yjizz: 樓上沒錯, Hosmer裡面也有球迷提到SD SF都喜歡喊這個 10/03 17:19
Yjizz: 還有NBA也有這口號 10/03 17:20
Chricey: 樓下關節痛都吃鞏固力 10/03 17:20
Yjizz: 只是這場剛好有這插曲以及Hosmer跟球迷對槓 10/03 17:20
Yjizz: 貼文下面有些留言比較中性說現在可以少喊這個,是Hosmer不 10/03 17:24
Yjizz: 知道當下狀況,說球迷幹嘛腦子一直只記得這口號燒起來 10/03 17:24
Yjizz: Hosmer反派讓這關注度跟推文流量順勢拉高,幾個官推也順水 10/03 17:27
Chricey: 樓上UC2當糖吃,天天走拿飛 10/03 17:27
Yjizz: 推舟幫了一下製造話題 10/03 17:27
Yjizz: 由一個從教士持續領薪水的人說這些讓今天場子更熱了 10/03 17:39
kexfj: 正義必勝? 中職又領先... 10/03 18:42
kexfj: 還是黃色方巾ccc... 10/03 18:42
Chricey: 哇勒,UC2 這個東西真的是太讚了 10/03 18:42
Parazicecum: 老實講外野沒有LAD球迷在鬧 一樣也會喊beat LA吧 LAD 10/04 05:11
Parazicecum: 現在就跟20年前的NYY一樣是邪惡帝國啊 10/04 05:12