看板 Baseball
李灝宇被驅逐出場的狀況:五局被三振後,主播認為敵隊Harrisburg的板凳區肯定有人喊了 什麼李灝宇不喜歡聽的話,所以他轉身朝著Harrisburg的板凳區走過去,然後被教練擋住 自家總教練Gabe Alvarez也一起被趕出去 What an odd sequence that just happened: Hao-Yu Lee strikes out to end the fifth . Something must have been said from the Harrisburg dugout that he didn’t like, so he turns and starts moving towards their dugout. Has to be held back by coac hes. Then Gabe Alvarez gets tossed. https://x.com/IJPBroadcasting/status/1806840707937628600 --- 今天引起清板凳的隊友Brady Allen賽後證實確實是對方休息區有人說了什麼引起李灝宇的 反應 Brady Allen told me postgame that the altercation that led to the benches cleari ng was because Harrisburg thought he was trying to steal signs, and confronted h im about it. Also noted that something was said to Hao-Yu Lee from the Harrisburg dugout that prompted Lee’s reaction. https://x.com/IJPBroadcasting/status/1806858893345092092 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Baseball/M.1719632846.A.53D.html
kevinduh4: 派06/29 11:49
ciyaaa: 77706/29 11:49
spzper: 還是太年輕了06/29 11:49
youare: 絕對沒有種族騎士06/29 11:50
※ 編輯: polanco ( 臺灣), 06/29/2024 11:50:48
homoho: 打太好就說你偷暗號 06/29 11:51
Chricey: 我有在用UC2,感覺效果還不錯欸! 06/29 11:51
poiu0987yaaa: 個性真是強悍 適合美國生存 06/29 11:52
luna2000sea: 怎麼越來越針對 06/29 11:53
alex813: 狂野的氣質 06/29 11:54
curry0402: 美國不喜歡別人比他強 06/29 11:54
Kroner: 關節痛就老人病 06/29 11:54
duct: 我只覺得主審外角有夠海 06/29 11:55
ts1993: 我記得不是有誰說過 小聯盟這樣的情況不少 06/29 11:56
a27783322: 讚啦 這樣就對了 不爽就直接開吵 06/29 11:56
ts1993: 要比對方還凶 06/29 11:56
Kroner: 關節痛就老人病 06/29 11:56