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洋基先發投手連74場至少投四局以上,創下隊史紀錄。 Yankees starters have gone at least 4 innings in all 74 games this season that extends their longest such streak at any point in a single season 洋基隊長法官創下45度角以上最快速高角度全壘打紀錄,最快速的高射砲。 highest exit velocity on 45+ degree HR under Statcast (2015): Today Aaron Judge: 114.2 mph 9/27/22 Matt Wallner: 113.8 mph 5/12/24 Oneil Cruz: 112.7 mph 這兩個紀錄都不如紅襪單場九盜。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Baseball/M.1718591402.A.0C1.html
yaes111: 無用紀錄 今天被羞辱 超級慘 06/17 10:42
Minihil: 超慘 今天沒缺Soto當理由了 06/17 10:46